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In primary school, in secondary school, when you want to learn another language or when you go on a trip to a country with an unknown language, you will always need a good dictionary. In Webcartucho you will find a wide variety of reference works adapted to different ages and knowledge.

Vox Pocket English/Spanish and Spanish/English dictionary

VAT included

Vox Advanced English/Spanish and Spanish/English dictionaries

VAT included

Larousse Pocket Dictionary English/Spanish and Spanish/English

VAT included



Buy Dictionaries at the Best Price on Webcartridge

Without a good dictionary, how would we know that "gaznápiro" is an insult, "sacamantecas" is a Jack the Ripper-style murderer, and "limerencia" is that state of nervousness and infatuation that overtakes you when you fall madly in love? Dictionaries are bridges between us and what we don't know. These reference works are essential at different stages of learning. Obsolete? Not at all. In fact, there are more and more of them, and they are all constantly updated. In elementary school, in high school, when you want to learn another language, or when you travel to a country with an unknown language, you will always need a good dictionary. And at Webcartridge, we have the best ones, from the most recognized brands and adapted to various needs.

What is the best brand of dictionaries? Difficult question. What is clear is that publishers like Vox or Larousse have enormous prestige and decades of recognition. In fact, most teachers and academies recommend their different dictionaries as reference works.

Types of dictionaries you will find on Webcartridge

At Webcartridge, we have practical pocket editions that are lightweight and easy to carry with you, English dictionaries for beginners and intermediate and advanced students, Spanish dictionaries for primary school children, dictionaries for high school students, Catalan dictionaries... In other words, in this category, you will find a wide variety of reference works adapted to different ages and levels of knowledge. Come in and find the one that suits your needs.