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Clean, easy to use, and ideal for kids, glue sticks are one of the essentials that should never be missing at home or in the pencil case. They are the most commonly used in school as they allow for all kinds of crafts to be done easily and safely. And you know what's best? It comes off the skin and clothes easily. Solvent-free, with a cap to prevent it from drying out, and a twist mechanism, this adhesive sticks paper, cardboard, photographs, felt, cork, EVA foam, etc.
What is the best brand of glue sticks? The most highly rated ones are Pritt, Bic and Scotch, three well-known stationery brands with experience. In this category, you will find the best glue sticks from the top brands and at the best price.
In different sizes (8, 21, 22, 36, and 43 grams) and from different brands (Pritt, Bic, Scotch), on Webcartridge you will find all kinds of glue sticks perfect for crafts, completely safe, and ideal for kids. Take a look and choose yours.